Women Center Light Steps has more than 10 years’ experience in managing a daily recreational center for vulnerable kids, who are victims of domestic violence but not only. The daily center, was created with the aim to help mothers who were escaping abuse and were trying to start a new life, kids reentered from the immigration or other marginalized categories who could not afford paying children services in the city. The kids, frequenting the little daily center ´Borebardha`, are divided into two categories, those coming from the marginalized and with socio-economic problem families, who do not pay a fee and kids coming from families living in the city center and the neighborhood around without necessarily any socio-economic problems and who do pay a minimal fee to support part of the running costs of the Daily Center. The merge of these two categories, was thought since at the beginning a necessity to guarantee integration for all, and that is why in the eyes of most of community members, the little daily recreational center refers to a community children center. Usually the teaching programs are tailored keeping in mind the special needs of all the kids, in a collaborative and non-discriminatory way. As kids coming from marginalized and vulnerable families, sometimes they face different health, psychological and eating problems, therefore, the staff dedicates special care to game therapies, or to healthy eating habits and so on, in order to provide a multi-dimensional care of the general well-being of the kids. On the other hands, the mothers, who mostly take care of the kids, come from a background with money, health, emotional problems and stresses, and in the daily center of Women Center, they find a shelter where they can leave their children for some hours in order to deal with their problems. Furthermore, the center has long experience working with schools on non-formal education regarding promotion of human rights, gender equality and so on.
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