Women Initiative is a three year project with an overall objective to reinforce the role of women civil society in north of Albania as drivers of change at public level contributing to more respect of human and women rights and fundamental freedoms and improving public policies affecting women. In the target areas, among the most isolated northern areas of the country, the patriarchal and conservative culture continue to consider women not worth of a full citizenship and this is reflected at every level of society: at familiar level where women are dependent by men for many decisions concerning their lives and at public level where women are almost absent from institutions (except for service roles) and not so present at civil society level. For this reason to reinforce the role of women civil society is central to change an entire culture which is present and spread at every level of society.
The lead applicant is COSPE has a wide expertise of international cooperation since 1983 (in Albania since 1997), working on several issues, including women’s rights, gender equality, active participation, environmental issues, rural development, institutional building. Its main role in the project will be the general coordination and to provideWoman’s Centre Light Steps with technical support, particularly on: participatory methodology; monitoring and evaluation plan and tools; technical missions by experts in women’s rights, gender equality, participated processes at level of civil society, communities and institutions; communication plan and activities; networking with national and international organizations; supporting the sub-grant scheme management.
The main implementing partner for the Action isWoman’s Centre Light Steps, a woman association based in Shkodra, active both in Shkodra and in other areas of the North providingservices for women (as anti-violence services in Shkodra and Puka) and children, running economic activities and supporting economic autonomy of groups of women, promoting initiatives of empowerment addressed to most vulnerable women. Woman’s Centre capitalize on its solid experience in working with women and with the most vulnerable social groups, putting in place methods, practices and techniques that actually responds to the needs of the target groups and will concretely contribute to the achievement of the Action’s purpose.